Another sign of winter, the cyclaman plant blooming between to rocks, they are very beautiful.
A three step art project that came out beautiful to everyone in all my groups.

Step 1: Mix the color red and white to get pink. Paint photocopy illustration of 3 flowers. We pasted the copypaper on cardboard to make it thicker and let it dry.
Step 2: Leaves design, using precut heart shape stancil and color pastels they drew leaves on color cardboard,(size A4 which I riped a quarter from the top to give it have a natural look and that at the end it will fit on a A4 size board). They moved the stencil and colored the leave filling the whole paper using diffrent shades of greens or mixing green with out colors.
I pointed out the leave design, some drew with color and some used a sharp tool to engrave the design.
Step 3: Using precut box cardboard they glued a design that gives an impression of a rock or gardenpot.
My high level students cut the pink flower by themselves and for the rest I cut out the flowers that were painted pink.
They glued the 3 parts of the project together.
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