Once a year we celebrate nature, as the almond tree white flower blossom.
The first thing we did is rip white paper to form 2X2inch piece of paper. They wrinked the paper to create round balls, then bal paper were rolled in either gold or silver paint as you see below.Once all the paper balls were rolled in paint we set them to dry while we created the almond tree branches.

Below is Van Gogh's Branches of Almond Tree Painting

The flower buds are made from white tissue paper that was first rolled in to a snake shape; then folded in half and attached to the branch with color plasticine.
One of the members decorated the branch with only round drops of plasticine.

This pot is filled with earth from the garden so that the branches stand well in it.
The pot is a cardboard box covered with a collage made with the rolled paper the members created at the start of the project. Once that paper is almost dry we opened the rolled paper and glued it on all the sides of the box, a beautiful design we created.
The bottom part of the pot is a plastice container we put because of fear that the box will not hold, it was painted in gold paint by two members of the group.
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