Study: Doodling Helps You Pay AttentionA new study suggests that idly doodling during meetings or boring lectures helps people pay attention and retain more information.
Read more:,8599,1882127,00.html#ixzz1Kp35qfSgDoodling forces your brain to expend just enough energy to stop it from daydreaming but not so much that you don't pay attention.
I found this 2009 study today while googling doodles to see what can be done with doodles.
Even in my early school years I always doodled, my notebooks and table top was always full of doodlings. In 5rd grade it was faces and in 7th grade it was drawing of shoes, that's when I decided to continue studing art.
Today while I talk on the phone I always doodle. My desk always have layers of paper to write notes and doodle while talking.