Nov 2, 2009

Mix Media, Squill Flower

When the Squill Plant "Chazav" blossom it is a sign of the begining of Fall .
Step A: On a printed pattern they placed round plasticine balls to create the press pattern.
Step B: They placed white paper on the plasticine pattern, they pressed and rubbed with oil pastels to create the flower pattern in different colors.
Step C: Glue the plant pattern on cardboard and let it dry.

Step 4: They drew the background with pastels, on the bottom a ground and at the top the sky so that the squill plant reach the sky.
Step 5 : I help cut out around the flower that were in different colors, they glued the flower and added the long stem to each to form the plant.


  1. Your work is beautiful. I love what your students are able to accomplish. Please follow my blog: to see what my special needs adults and children are creating. Peace, Bailey

  2. i enjoyed going through your blog, especially the ones on recycling. more power!
