Oct 30, 2010

Printmaking, Migrant Birds

We using styrofoam printmaking to make a group print of the "Migrant Birds", natures wonder that comes our way each Fall season. 

I precut sihouette of birds for the members to choose and to glue on styrofoam board.

Using a pen, they scratched holes to make the texture background around the sihouette and a plastic knife was used to make the outline around the birds.

They printed a couple of times on different paper, unfortanatly we used plane guache paint.

One print was used as part of the group project and one was used as a personal greeting card, they gluing the printed paper on top of a folded color paper and draw around it with pastels.

Oct 12, 2010

Trip to Eilat insired by Paul Klee

 Last week I saw a wonderful post about portrait inspired by Paul Klee using tissue paper (sorry I can't find the blog to acknowlege and post link). Great art idea and I do love Paul Klee.
Our group went to the beach vacation last week so I decided to use that as a suject.
After showing some of Paul Klee work, some of his line drawing on a very colorful grid  background I gave out a precut cardboard fish or palm tree and black pastel to drew the detail texture of subject.
Next they glued cut color tissue paper.
While the object dryed I gave cardboard stancil to make the wave lines fot the grid.
 The city of Eilat is desert so they use a range of oil pastels in those colors to make the grid.
They colored some of the grid with the desert color pastel, and the rest was painted with a water base BLUE paint as the sea.

 Object was glued on the grid background.

I just found this interesting post connecting to this painting by Paul Klee in  Douglas Florian blog.
For Poe tree friday: Águas de Março (The Waters of March) by the late Brazilian composer Tom Jobim.

Remembra in Brazil, in the Southern Demisphere, Marco, March, is the end of summer.

To hear it beautifully sung by the late Elis Regina click on this link:


The Waters of March